Saarland University
Saarland University was founded in November 1948, Saarland University was originally established as a bilingual university that combined French and German educational traditions while offering a unique European perspective. The Institute for Sports and Preventive Medicine at Saarland University conducts serious sports medicine based on scientific findings.
The Institute for Sports and Preventive Medicine
The Institute primarily focuses on sports fitness and resilience as well as a wide range of problems that occur in connection with sporting stress. Both internal and performance physiology (especially sports cardiology) as well as orthopaedic and traumatology care are provided. Sports medicine teaching takes place in the subjects of medicine (elective) and sports science (Bachelor and Master). Doctorates are possible in both subjects. Research focuses are more or less equally on competitive sports and health and recreational sports.
Science and Health in Football
In particular, the Institute deals with prevention through sports, performance physiology issues, sports cardiology, regeneration research, sports injuries, and, especially intensively, football research. In the latter area, it has been running an international Ph.D. programme called „Science and Health in Football” for years. This program aims at improving the scientific approach to football, in particular evaluating its potential health benefits and further developing training standards and performance diagnosis for elite football players.